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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Eternal Identity

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
9:39 pm

My younger brother called tonight to let us know that his five year old son has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Chemotherapy starts tomorrow. Little Jay is a wonderful kid. He doesn’t have a clue what he faces in the months to come as doctors and nurses fight to save his life.

Moments like this bring us face to face with the reality that life is fragile and precious, and that hopes and dreams can changed in an instant.

I have written much in the last few months about Identity. Though important for business and commerce, any digital or physical Identity I have talked about pales to insignificance when compared to the grandeur of life and the Identity of a human soul. Would you please permit me to share my thoughts about Eternal Identity?

I believe that Jay’s Identity is eternal – with no beginning and no end. He came to us from the presence of God through the miraculous process of human conception, he will live on the earth with this fragile human body for what we hope are many years, and then through the process we call death, he will return to that God who gave him life. Throughout his eternal existence, Jay has been and will always be Jay. His Identity is co-eternal with God; it will last forever. The physical body which is now letting him down will one day, after he dies, be reunited with his spirit in a literal resurrection.

This concept of Eternal Identity gives me hope when times are tough. It gives me solace in times of sorrow. It brings great joy as I celebrate the blessings of family and friends and opportunites. It provides eternal perspective as I try to cope with the ups and downs of everyday life. It provides a foundation upon which I can progressively understand the purpose and meaning of life.

If you care to join me, please unite your faith with mine and pray for little Jay and his family. Please give thanksgiving for the miracle of life, for the miracles of modern medicine, for the blessings of family and friends. Please pray for healing, for comfort, for peace. And please share your faith in behalf of so many others who are also in need.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for your faith and prayers. Thanks for being who you are.



One Response to “Eternal Identity”

    Mark, that’s a tough break for young Jay. I hope you are able to convey the reassurance which your faith gives you. Please pass on my regards if you have the opportunity.

    Comment by Robin Wilton on January 1, 2006 at 10:50 am

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