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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rohan Pinto – Discovering Personal Identity

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, June 24, 2006
3:54 am

Rohan, I admire you for your gracious tolerance. When I lived in the UK during the early 1970’s, the term “Paki” was used in very derogatory ways. I don’t know the real intent of the Horton’s guy who addressed you as a Paki, but I hope he was inspired to better sensitivity through your coaching.

And I’m honored, Rohan, that you would contact me and ask permission to use the name of my blog, “Discovering Identity” in his post yesterday. As I said in our IM exchange last night, “As I chose the title “Discoverying Identity” for my blog, I felt it had a double meaning. One meaning was the professional one — progressively understanding the Identity Management market and technology. But the other meaning is precisely what you are planning to address in your blog — how do we find who we really are? What is our own personal idenity?”

You have obviously discovered yours. Thanks for your insight.

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