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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rationalize and Transform

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, November 10, 2006
2:27 am

Rationalize: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable.

Transform: to change in composition or structure.

Earlier this week, I participated in a discussion about Identity Management issues with a customer who spoke of two related strategies in his business:

Rationalization – taking cost and complexity out of the business as they proceed with the merger of two large companies.

Transformation – realigning people, processes and technology in order to accelerate the creation of new and compelling customer services that increase revenue and enhance customer satisfaction.

He felt that technology was readily available for both rationalization and transformation. The bigger challenge is realigning corporate culture away from the traditional siloed organizational model and toward a more process-driven model that crosses multiple organizational boundaries to enable rapid creation of new products and services.

Our challenge as technology providers is to help our customers not only upgrade technology, but to transform their business models to really take advantage of new technology.

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