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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Web 2.0 and Open Source Identity

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
10:37 pm

This morning I enjoyed listening to and watching Pat Patterson give a Webex presentation about how a PHP application can easily be modified to use SAML 2.0 to authenticate through a 3rd party Identity provider. I was pleasantly surprised to see how four small PHP code snippets could be inserted into the application to make this possible.

Pat was at his finest, slinging source code around in real time as we watched the whole process unfold before our eyes. And it really worked the first time – well, almost. He quickly fixed one small problem to complete the demonstration.

It was also encouraging to hear Pat’s comments about the progress of the OpenSSO project. A strong community seems to be building with participation from around the world. Kudos to all who are driving this important project forward.

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