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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Catalyst: The Iceberg of Identity Management

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, June 26, 2008
1:18 pm

Wednesday’s third Identity Management session in the Burton Group Catalyst Conference featured George Sherman – Managing Director, Morgan Stanley. His presentation was entitled, “Discovering the Iceberg of Identity Management in a Large Integrated Financial Services Firm” Key points include:

  • Beware of the hidden cost and complexity of Identity Management.
  • Morgan Stanley background:
    • In business since 1935.
    • 46,000+ employees in 600 offices around the world.
    • Conducts business in 33 countries and over 70 regulatory jurisdictions.
    • They have a complex technology stack in a highly changing environment.
    • In identity management and regulatory compliance, Morgan Stanley must frequently seek a common denominator, which may be the most stringent requirement.
    • Historical reference to Identities is essential, even after employees leave the company. A unique identifier is used. Once a person touches the firm, he or she is assigned a unique identifier that is never deleted.
    • They have a complex technology stack in a highly changing environment.
    • Main drivers for Identity Management were regulatory compliance and security
  • A company should not focus on outside challenges until internal challenges are well in hand.
  • Identity management needs to be foundational – people must trust it.
  • Referential data integrity is needed.
  • Two critical success factors include:
    • Program Sponsorship Committed sponsors will “Pave the Road” through corporate baloney.
    • Program manager needs to be good program manager, but highly technical
  • Funding and cost justification takes more than spreadsheets an calculators it requires the trust and confidence of program champions
  • Break overall plan into point releases.
  • Be realistic about timeframes and the evolutionary nature of the process.
  • Areas where the industry needs to imrove include:
    • More maturity in security of provisioning engine
    • More expert developers
    • Integration of certification and provisioning tools
    • Rules management
    • Better understanding of roles and consequences

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