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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Back in the day …

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, September 5, 2008
7:18 am

While searching for the photo of our “Murphy’s Law Sofa” I blogged about yesterday, I stumbled across this photo of the first computer I ever built. Back in 1976, while we were sophomores in engineering school at Brigham Young University, Larry Langdon (pictured) and I built a 16 bit computer completely out of TTL logic gates and flip-flops. It wasn’t very elegant, but it ran the specified instruction set just fine and got us “A” grades in the digital electronics lab class.

BYU computer

This was so long ago that bell bottoms and aviator glasses were still in style!

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One Response to “Back in the day …”

    great, really build the computer on 1976, that’s an ancient time for computer

    Comment by Jim on September 6, 2008 at 10:44 am

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