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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hope Amidst Tragedy – via the Blogosphere

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, September 6, 2008
2:53 pm

Three weeks ago, the crash of a light plane in eastern Arizona instantly changed the lives of a young couple and their four young children, who until recently lived just down the street from us. Still in critical condition in a Phoenix, AZ, hospital burn unit, Christian and Stephanie Nielson have a long road of recovery ahead of them. During that process of recovery, we are connected in an active virtual network of mutual hope and support with their family and friends – through the blogosphere.

An article in the New York Times today explores how Stephanie’s blog, the NieNie Dialogues, had inspired readers around the world before the accident and how cyberspace is uniting many people across the globe in acts of kindness and hope for this young family. Stephanie’s sister’s blog provides a focal point for updates about the condition of Christian and Stephanie, announces of special benefit events, and invites people to contribute to their recovery fund.

It was via the blogosphere we learned of last week’s coordinated effort to launch balloons in a gesture of hope for this young couple.

We invite all of you to join with us in prayers of hope for Stephanie and Christian.

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One Response to “Hope Amidst Tragedy – via the Blogosphere”

    A noble thought for a just cause.
    I am writing from the California capital of the ‘green revolution’, where it has become unpopular to release balloons as the deflated latex pollutes oceans and other natural habitats.
    A thought for next-time….


    Comment by Jonathan on September 8, 2008 at 11:37 pm

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