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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Role of Digital Identity in Open Government

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
11:26 am

An Open Government Workshop to be held at MIT on January 15th,  will address the role of Digital Identity as a key enabler for effective interaction between citizens and government leaders. 

This workshop is being organized by Dazza Greenwood of Civics.com on behalf of the MIT eCitizen Architecture Program, the MIT Media Lab SmartCities Group and the eCitizen Foundation.

The Digital Identity part of the workshop is being directed by Bruce Bakis of Mitre Corporation, Team Leader of the Safeguarding Digital Identity research project for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection.  In an invitation to Identity Management community, Bruce stated:

“Several goals in the Obama-Biden technology agenda articulated at change.gov fit right into our Digital Identity wheelhouse. Two of these really hit our sweet spot: Create a Transparent and Connected Democracy, and Lower Health Care Costs by Investing in Electronic Information Technology Systems.

“So, here’s what we’re doing: holding several virtual events and one “real” one to compile and present to the Obama-Biden administration a prioritized list of issues, problems and questions.  During the “real” event we will hold three interrelated discussions:

  • The use of Digital Identity as a key enabler (for the other two agenda items and so much more)
  • How to Create a Transparent and Connected Democracy that’s open, effective, privacy preserving and secure;
  • How to Lower Health Care Costs by Investing in Electronic Information Technology Systems.”

You can register here for participation in the January 15th event.  You can participate in formulation of the dialogue that will occur at the main event by using this online forum to submit and rank questions to be addressed during the event.

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