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Congratulations, GT-RNOC, MoVue and Innovative Students!

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, June 4, 2009
4:55 am

Earlier this year, I was privileged to participate in the review process for finalists in the Convergence Innovation Competition sponsored by the Georgia Tech Research Network Operations Center (GT-RNOC).  I was deeply impressed with the innovation displayed by the Georgia Tech students in the projects they presented.

Yesterday, I received a link to the competition results.  Let me add my congratulations to all involved!  Both students and advisors displayed great creativity and worked very hard to provide innovative outcomes.  Thanks to the sponsors who made it possible.

It was great to learn that the project I liked most was awarded first place overall.  MoVue exploited the camera, GPS and accelerometer subsystems within an Android phone to present a novel user interface showing icons and point of interest information on the device screen in real time, visually filtered according to personal interest and history.  I believe this type of user-focused, context-aware application holds strong promise for commercial success.

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3 Responses to “Congratulations, GT-RNOC, MoVue and Innovative Students!”

    Thanks Mark!

    And thanks to the other 34 Designated Industry Reviewers from 20 industry leading companies in fixed & mobile clients, infrastructure, Web Services, Standards, and five top tier carriers: two domestic, and three international.

    Your part in the success of the 2008/2009 Convergence Innovation Competition (CIC) is greatly appreciated and contributes to the momentum shaping the 2009/2010 CIC as the most influential yet!

    Ramsay Hall
    Research Engineer / Director, GT-RNOC Planning & Development
    Georgia Tech Research Network Operations Center
    258 4th Street, Atlanta, GA 30332

    Comment by Ramsay Hall on June 4, 2009 at 7:00 am

    You are most welcome, Ramsay. It was a distinct pleasure.

    Comment by Mark Dixon on June 4, 2009 at 7:05 am

    This is right Mr.Mark, They really deserve it. But competition is competition, one have to win another have to loose.

    Comment by NYSTCE CST on June 5, 2009 at 5:40 am

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