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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Twistori and the Pyschology of Twitter

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
8:12 pm

Twistori.com is an intriguingly simple web page that shows a scrolling list of Twitter updates that include the key word you select from a list of six basic human emotions. This presents both an interesting view of people’s expressed emotions and an intriguing example of the many little applications emerging around the Twitter phenomena.

The burgeoning collection of Twitter updates from a rapidly growing population of Twitterers represents a huge repository of expressions of human intellect, emotion or inanity. Undoubtedly, psychologists are salivating as they imagine how to mine this veritable corucopia of public information. Twistori gives just one little peek into this possibility.

Twistori leverages a more general Twitter application, Summize.com, which allows you to specify the keywords you want to monitor. These are just a couple of the neat little web 2.0 apps I have seen lately. Tonight I configured RSSFwd.com to send my Twitter updates to EverNote on the web, which in turn synchronizes with Evernote on my deskstop. Getting all this functionality to interrelate in interesting ways is really intriguing.

Is it a stretch to regard this convoluted interrelationship of cyberspace applications an extension of my Identity? I wonder.

In twistori-speak: I love to dabble in social media … I hate my computer when it crashes … I think I spend too much time at this … I believe I will sign off now and watch the ball game … I feel tired after a long day … I wish you all good night!

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