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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Phil Becker: Third Wave of Digital Identity

Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, September 24, 2007
10:35 am

As the first keynote speaker at Digital Identity World, Phil Becker proposed that we will soon enter a “Third wave of Digital Identity, driven by the demand for:

  • Promiscuous interconnectivity and user empowerment (self service)
  • Large scale, that reveals the need to modularize solutions and have interoperability standards
  • The need to interconnect and network Identity systems

He predicated that managing the decentralization of Identity would be a key part of this wave:

  • The natural state of Identity is decentralized
  • The concept that we can centralize identity data on any large scale has been found wanting
  • How can we manage and leverage identity while respecting its decentralized nature?

Phil further proposed that Identity Tomorrow will be characterized by two major trends:

  • Greatly increased networking between Identity Management domains
  • Emergence of compelling Identity based user experience driven applications

This trend towards Identity-based, user-experience-focused applications will be a realization of a trend that Phil explained earlier in the session, that we are in the midst of a transformation of the prevailing information security paradigm from “Keep out Unauthorized” to “Allow Access by Authorized.” Reminds me of a blog I posted several months ago: “Use Identity Brakes to go Fast.”

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