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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Twitter: Entertainment? Productivity Tool? Curiosity?

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, June 2, 2007
4:10 am

I signed up with Twitter last week, but still don’t know what it is really good for. I have a few “Twitter Friends” to follow (stalk?) around, but they only sporadically input what they are doing. I keep forgetting to twitter myself (is that how you describe an update?), so anyone stalking me doesn’t get a complete picture of my life.

One possible benefit might be to keep friends updated during a vacation – a string of virtual postcards, as it were. One friend has begun to update every few hours about her progress on a trip through Southeast Asia.

I was invited to be a friend by a person who has 10,473 friends at the latest count. I have no idea why she would want me to be her 10,474th friend. I wonder if she has too much time on her hands. Maybe Twitter is a way to ease her boredom – an online parlor game, as it were.

If any of you have any specific uses you have for Twitter, other than for online parlor games or vitual postcards, please let me know. You can stalk me at http://twitter.com/mgd.

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