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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Identity and the Network Are Redefining Old Roles

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
3:43 am

Michelle Dennedy, Sun’s Chief Privacy Officer, recently published an interesting article entitled, “Identity and the Network Are Redefining Old Roles,” headlining the Sun Identity Insights newsletter.

“As Sun’s privacy officer, it’s my job to see to it that the privacy of personal information is protected as data flows through the network.”

“It’s all about identity — seeing to it that one’s identity, and the personally identifiable information associated with it, is kept private and protected when data travels over the network, when that data stops for a rest along the way, and when it is ultimately deleted at the end of its useful lifespan.

Following Michelle’s introductory article is a link to a more meaty piece, a 32-page white paper, “The CIO and CPO – a Vision for Teamwork and Success.”

This paper “provides background on the different perspectives of the IT organization and the privacy office and it offers practical tips for how these two organizations can work together to effectively guard against security and privacy risks.” I particularly liked the how the paper contrasted the perspectives of the CIO and CPO, but suggested specify ways to develop cross-functional understanding and cooperation between the two disciplines.

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