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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mesa firm holds key to secure networks

Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, May 29, 2006
8:02 am

An interesting article by Ed Taylor in today’s East Valley Tribune highlighted a Mesa, Arizona, company that was selected by Lockheed Martin to supply USB key devices to “allow its customers, partners and vendors to gain access to the corporation’s guest network.”

Sweet Spot Solutions claims “Sweet Spot® S3™ Key is the world’s first driverless and clientless integrated Two-Factor Authentication and VPN client solution. S3 boasts a simple user interface and backend rights management that puts companies in complete control when extending network security policies to end users.”

It was nice to hear that a small company, located about four miles from my house, is making a positive contribution to the world of Identity Management.

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