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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tru.ly Identity Verification – Base Hit

Identity, Sports
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
3:46 pm

My Tru.lyLast Thursday, I tried unsuccessfully to register for the new Identify Validation service provided by Tru.ly.  On Friday, I got a nice email from a Tru.ly representative, responding to my blog and Twitter posts, thanking me for my access attempt and inviting me to try again.

This afternoon, my registration effort was successful.  Tru.ly verified the bits of Identity information I provided, and issued my very own Tru.ly URL – tru.ly/mgd – plus the QR code included in this post and on the blog sidebar.

You can see my verification information by visiting tru.ly/mgd, by clicking on the QR code or by scanning the QR code with your mobile device.  It worked just fine on my iPhone using the QRReader app.

What does a Base Hit have to do with Identity Verification?

Since Spring Training has started in Arizona, baseball analogies came to mind.  I assigned my first failure at Tru.ly registration “Strike 1.”  I’ll call my current success a “base hit.” The registration worked, but I’m not really sure what its real value is yet.  We’ll have to wait awhile to see what brings me across home plate.


One Response to “Tru.ly Identity Verification – Base Hit”

    this is a test of a comment. Does this work?

    Comment by Mark Dixon on March 2, 2011 at 1:50 pm

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