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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Happy Discovery: Weather in Google Maps

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 18, 2011
10:39 am

A Lifehacker tweet caught my eye this morning:

From the ‘why wasn’t this part of it before?’ files: weather in Google Maps lifehac.kr/rntesc

What a great addition to Google Maps! For one who travels frequently as I do, the weather overlay on Google Maps is a godsend. Many times during my career, I have showed up somewhere ill-equipped for the weather and had to buy a coat or sweatshirt to survive. Now, if I can only remember to look at Google Maps, I will be much better prepared.

I wonder when it will show up on my iPhone app?

By the way, do you want to visit us in Mesa, AZ? Maybe in November.


However, although the temperature outside is verifiably toasty, my wonderfully air conditioned office registers a mere 78 degrees!

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