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Business Value in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, May 10, 2013
9:40 am

Cloud computing types

In a recent Forbes article entitled, “The Cloud Revolution and Creative Destruction,” Oracle’s Bob Evans put cloud computing in perspective (my emphasis added):

We’ll begin to see the real the real creative-destruction power of the cloud unleashed when we begin to define the cloud in terms of what business customers want and need, and when we stop diddling around with inside-baseball constructs that mean little or nothing to the businesspeople who are ready to spend many tens of billions of dollars on cloud solutions that focus on and deliver business value. .. 

That’s the real magic of the cloud: it lets businesses rethink where and how they deploy their precious IT dollars, and allows those businesses to focus more of their IT budgets on projects that truly matter.

Business value.  Focusing here makes cloud computing worthwhile.

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