Tony Robbins: Finding Your True Identity
A link to an uplifting post by Tony Robbins caught my eye this morning – a post about Identity, but not about the digital type – about how we define ourselves.  I was inspired by these words from the post, “The Meaning of Life: Finding your True Identity:”
People have enormous capabilities beyond what’s thought to be possible. The power to tap into our tremendous potential comes from our identity: how we define ourselves, and what believe we can achieve.
Six “Key Principles of Identity” are proposed:
- Identity is the most important power that determines our actions.
- Once we know who we are, we must learn to be ourselves.
- Sometimes, people maintain the illusion that their behavior decides who they really are.
- When you take responsibility, you restore your identity.
- The fastest way to expand our identity is to do something that’s inconsistent with our current self-image.
- Our personal identities are in a constant state of evolution.
Knowing who I am is foundational for my life. I really believe that.