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#YJJ Architecture: Instrumenting the Jeep

Internet of Things, Yellow Jeep Journey, YJJ Architecture
Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, March 10, 2014
9:24 pm


What instrumentation do you think I should install in my Yellow Jeep for its long journey?

Here are some of the sensors that I have considered:

  • Engine monitoring – via On Board Diagnostic (OBD) port
  • tire pressure
  • location – GPS coordinates
  • internal temperature
  • external temperature
  • light intensity
  • video – forward, reverse, left, right, driver, passenger, roaming camera
  • audio – multiple microphones
  • driver ID
  • passenger ID(s)
  • velocity
  • acceleration
  • yaw, pitch, roll
  • altitude
  • air pressure
  • humidity

Some human input that may be appropriate in the Jeep includes

  • audio/video/text comments
  • ongoing journal
  • still/video camera, independent of vehicle

These are just a few of the hundreds of possibilities.  It will be fun to sort through these possibilities and select a subset for test purposes.

A friend suggested that fingerprint sensors should be added for identification of the driver and passengers.

What suggestions might you have?

Roll on Yellow Jeep Journey!

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