Mark Dixon
Friday, June 19, 2009
10:14 am
Just before 10:00 Arizona time this morning, the doorbell rang to announce a much-anticipated delivery. The friendly UPS delivery guy dropped off my new iPhone 3GS that I ordered last week! So, instead of standing in line at the Apple store, I now have the coveted prize in my hot little hands.
I was very impressed with the series of emails from Apple keeping me updated on the progress of my order and with the UPS tracking system showing daily progress of my package from Shenzen, China to Mesa, AZ, via Hong Kong, Alaska and Kentucky, including a purposeful delay in Louisville so it wouldn’t arrive too soon. I won’t presume to understand the logic in that seemingly circuitous routing, but I find it fascinating that worldwide logistics works so smoothly over such wide distances in such huge volumes.
Next step … crank up the phone!
Technorati Tags: iPhone, Apple, UPS, Logistics, China