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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Friday, March 14, 2025

Facebook’s Vocabulary Contribution

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, October 8, 2011
6:14 am

Is this Facebook’s greatest contribution – a fundamental enhancement to our common vocabulary?

Thanks, BC, for pointing this out!

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Sneaky Maya Calendar

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, October 7, 2011
5:33 pm

Ever wonder why the Maya Calendar will run out later this year?  Thanks to those crazy folks at Bizarro, now we know.

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Lost in Cyberspace

Humor, Identity
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, September 8, 2011
3:27 am

What did you lose, Ziggy?  Sometimes, I think I am losing my mind.

By the way, did you know that Dictionary.com defines “cyberspace” as “the realm of electronic communication?”  Such a mundane definition for such an intriguing subject!

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Simplify Life Sans Cell Phone?

Humor, Identity
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
5:58 pm

Sometimes I’m tempted to ditch my mobile phone, but frankly, I would feel naked without one. What will Ziggy do?

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De-Friending or “Culling the Herd”?

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 18, 2011
8:48 pm

Back on the small Idaho dairy farm where I grew up, “Culling the Herd” meant sending cows that didn’t give much milk to the slaughterhouse to make way for more productive bovine.  I hadn’t heard the term referring to getting rid of Facebook friends until I read the “Pearls before Swine” comic strip today.  A bit crass, but sort of descriptive, don’t you think?

After posting this bit of irony, I suppose I’d better not de-friend anyone unless there is a darn good reason, don’t you think?

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What is Your Secret Identity?

Humor, Identity
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 4, 2011
6:44 am

Do you have a secret Identity, an alter-ego, a second (or third) personality manifesting itself secretively in cyberspace?  If so, you must be a superhero, according to Ziggy (aka Zigmeister), our ever-erudite philosopher.

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Affinity for Obsolete Old Things

Humor, Technology
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, July 22, 2011
4:16 pm

All our married kids have at least 1 HDTV system in their homes – one son has four!  But their “stuck-in-the-dark-ages” dad still has the same old reliable Sony flat screen 36″ set that was state-of-the-art back in 1997.  I can really identify with Earl Pickles.

And yes, Opal, I may also be an obsolete old thing.

But seriously, when we break down and buy a new HDTV system later this year, what on earth should we do with the Trinitron?  Give it to Earl?

By the way, the ghostly image in the screen is not me bowing in obeisance to the TV Gods.  I am just taking a photo for this blog.

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My Favorite Bumper Sticker: Do I Really Miss My Mind?

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, July 15, 2011
5:33 am

As my memory shifts towards and merges with cyberspace, I think about my all time favorite bumper sticker:

Now, what else was I going to say?  I think I’ll go check Evernote and get back with you.



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You Can’t Get There From Here …

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, July 8, 2011
12:45 pm

Back in the day, it was an old timer by the side of the road, who, when asked for directions, uttered the immortal words, “You can’t get there from here.”

Now, Ziggy has to deal with Google Maps.  I think I miss the old timer.

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It’s Good the World has Shrunk!

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
8:35 am

Stuff we love: technology, information, communications … and high gas prices.  (Thanks, Frank and Ernest for pointing this out!)

Actually, high gas prices are somewhat of a misconception: When I was in high school, I made about $1.50 an hour at the cheese factory.  That would buy about 3 gallons of gas.  Now, my kids make about $10 per hour – which buys about three gallons of gas!

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