Twitter Feed from Heaven
Now that is some crystal ball!
I wonder if the Wizard of Id could get one for me? Â We could open a new business: (Alas. Â Someone has already camped out on that domain.)
Now that is some crystal ball!
I wonder if the Wizard of Id could get one for me? Â We could open a new business: (Alas. Â Someone has already camped out on that domain.)
From the Geek & Poke archives … if she won’t friend you on Facebook, you can follow her on Twitter.
Isn’t that stalking?
Fortunately, Geek&Poke takes us right to the heart of the issue …
… IT-Business Alignment, of course!
Thanks to Non Sequitur for revealing how a new definitive date for the Apocalypse will be determined.
I hadn’t realized that the eternal GPS system was involved.
Just think! Reading this blog post may be helping you to plunge into deep depression! Dr. Bizarro might just have something here.
Poor Dilbert. His social skills just don’t measure up to the smartphone!
On a more serious note, is this so far removed from reality? Is the entertainment value of smartphones and related apps getting in the way of real human relationships?
One the few things that keeps me attached to a daily newspaper is the comic strip page. Often, the rye wisdom of the comics seems more logical than the real world and more therapeutic than a shrink. And some days are more fruitful that others … when the odd combination of my state of mind and ink on the page seem to resonate in a special way. Today was one of those days.
From Zits, Drabble and Pickles: Youthful exuberance and postive thinking run smack dab into the challenges of skepticism, shape and age.
The big question … Where do I (and you) fit in?
Jeremy Duncan seems to be addicted. Are you?
I thing my family would rather have a full-scale electrical blackout that an Internet interruption.