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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Where is My Zombie?

Author: Mark Dixon
Sunday, March 6, 2011
9:25 pm

My daughter Holly modeled her new convertible t-shirt for me this evening, showing how she can quickly morph from a happy teenager into a zombie of sorts.  I wonder if my Twitter friend @WausauLoner, who tweets about the emerging Zombie Apocalypse in Wausau, Wisconsin, would approve?

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Social Networking Conspiracy?

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Sunday, March 6, 2011
4:31 pm

We are finally getting insight into the real purposes of social media, thanks to Wiley Miller’s Non Sequitur:

Non Sequitur

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RIP Cardspace: Heaven or Hell?

Humor, Identity
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, February 24, 2011
4:33 pm

A lot of water has passed under the proverbial bridge since I first blogged about Cardspace in June 2006.  You’ve gotta love Paul Madsen’s commentary on Cardspace’s current status:

This reminds me of my favorite quote from the novel and movie, The Scarlet Pimpernel:

We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel.

Makes you wonder … just how will we remember Cardpace and all that was said about it?

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Charge or Retreat?

Humor, Leadership
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
8:30 am

Did you ever find yourself in the same dilemma as Hagar the Horrible?  Makes you wonder what is down below!

Hagar the Horrible Cartoon for 02/23/2011

Source: Hagar the Horrible comic for February 23, 2011.

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Anti-Social Networks? Blow up the Internet!

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, January 14, 2011
5:10 pm

Such interesting advice from a child …


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Anti-Social Networks?

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
11:28 am

Brilliant idea, Crazy Eddie!


But maybe so-called social networks can be anti-social as well.  Have you seen any anti-social behavior on Facebook or Twitter?

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Sales Consultants, Dilbert Style

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, November 25, 2010
12:24 pm

A day in the life of a sales consultant …


… but today, I am very grateful to be one.

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Taliban Virus

Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, November 22, 2010
6:10 pm

I received the following email today, ostensibly from a “Miss Helen:”


You have just received a Taliban virus. Since we are not so technologically advanced in Afghanistan, this is a MANUAL virus. Please delete all the files on your hard disk yourself and send this mail to everyone you know.

Thank you very much for helping us.

Thanks & Regards

Miss Helen

Well, I didn’t follow Miss Helen’s gracious instructions, but thought you’d enjoy sharing this little bit of levity anyway.

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What’s a Dad to Do?

Humor, Sports
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, November 12, 2010
10:02 pm

This may not be an Identity Management subject, but I just had to share a happy memory and bit of congratulations as I return to blogging after a long time.

Many years ago, my younger sister prepared for a high school science fair by training a pair of white rats to play basketball.  She taught the little critters to stuff a whiffle ball through a wire hoop by rewarding each successful attempt.

On the morning of the science fair, the female rat gave birth to a litter of young rats.  As expected, she refused to play ball.  But the daddy rat? He went right ahead and played hoops!

Today, Phoenix Suns’ superstar Steve Nash played his best best game of the young NBA season tonight on the same day his wife gave birth to a new baby boy.  This morning, the Nash’s new son, Matteo Joel Nash, was born.  Tonight, Dad almost had a triple double with 28 points, 14 assists and 7 rebounds as the Suns beat the Sacramento Kings 103-89.  Congratulations Suns! Congratulations Nash family!

And lest of you think otherwise, none of us think Steve is a rat!



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Identity Management for Zombies?

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 26, 2010
2:36 pm

Note: This little post chronicles my favorite social media exchange in a long time.  You need to see the embedded images to get the gist of an intriguing conversation.


The intrigue began Wednesday afternoon when I was waiting in the Chicago O’Hare airport for a flight to Central Wisconsin Airport, near Wausau, WI.  I tweeted my intentions:


Within a few minutes, I was being followed on Twitter by Wausau Loner:


I had never heard of the Zombie Apocalypse, so I started poking around the web.  I thought, “Do Zombies need Identity Management?”

I found that my tweet was listed on the Wausau Wisconsin Best Blogs and Tweets …


… along with my new follower, the Zombie Apocalypse expert, Wausau Loner.


This morning (Thursday), I received a nice thank you note from Wausau Loner:


I pinged him back and got this reply:


I posed the big question:  Do zombies have unique Identities?  Do they need Identity Management?

Sadly, the answer was negative:


imageWell, there are still many unanswered questions.  May be next time I visit Wausau, I’ll get together with Wausau Loner and get more details!   I’ll let you know.

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