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Friday, June 28, 2024

Tweeting Freedom in Iran

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
8:13 am

Steve Benson, editorial cartoonist for the Arizona Republic, offered concise commentary this morning on the value of social networking in the Iranian freedom conflict.

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Marginalizing Personal Contact in a Virtual World

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, June 18, 2009
2:33 pm

Poor Dilbert.  Will he ever find real happiness in an increasingly virtual world?

As geeky and shy as I was during my dating years (I actually walked around with a slide rule on my belt), I still preferred to talk to young women face to face, rather than on the phone.  I doubt I would have been very adept at virtual dating.

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Evolving Absolute Truth, Twitter Style

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, June 18, 2009
2:14 pm

To what sources do you look for truth?  Could it be that we put a wee too much credence in what we read (or re-tweet) on Twitter?  Thanks to Geek & Poke for the wry analysis.

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Facebook Flash Mob Pillow Fight

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
3:26 am

Crazy things happen because of social media. Thanks to Tom Limanek, a new Sun blogger, for sharing the following video of a pillow fight in downtown Burlington, Vermont. The pillow-wielding flash mob formed because of viral communication on Facebook.

Apparently the organizer was arrested by local police, which seems a bit extreme for the clean fun he spawned.

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Never Teach your Mom to Twitter

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
2:58 am

The comic strips are full of commentary on the Twitter phenomenon these days.  I thought this Zits strip was most insightful.

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Silly Twitter

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7:50 am

I had to chuckle at the perceptive commentary in today’s Pickles comic:

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What Are You Eating Right Now?

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
3:24 pm

As I return from a substantial respite from active blogging, may I ask a question about this insightful little cartoon from Geek & Poke?   Is it more incredible that millions of people tweet about what they eat for breakfast, or that millions of other people are actually interested?

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More Twitter Clouds and Fascinating Games

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, March 20, 2009
4:52 pm

In response to my post yesterday about clouds of followers at Twittersheep, Mark Kolb (@outwitme) sent me a link to his site, OuTWITMe, that has, among other fun and games, a cool three-dimensional cloud of major words found in the most recent tweets of a user you specify or Twitterverse at large.  Poking around the swirling cloud and following the train of consciousness it engenders is a stimulating experience.  The two-dimensional snapshot posted on this blog doesn’t do justice to what Mark has provided.

Elsewhere on the site are some fascinating Twitter-based word games that appear to have the potential to be absolutely addicting to a word geek like me:

"Outwit Me is your home for a variety of unique Twitter games that have been specially crafted with artificial intelligence. You are here to be challenged, entertained, stimulated. We are here to engage your mind and of course to outwit you."

With names like Tweet Quiz, Tweet Words and TWord Chains, these games all played through Twitter and appear to not be trivial. It appears that some really intellectual activity is happening north of the border, where the governing philosophy is "to present intelligent challenges for tweeters with some time on their hands."

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Auto Updates to Twitter?

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, March 19, 2009
2:21 am

If you follow me on Twitter (@mgd), a few times a day you will receive a tweet from me of the form "Dixon Delicious: Why IBM Wants Sun – BusinessWeek http://ow.ly/154F".  I do this to share web sites I visit that may have relevance to others.  Such links, which I first post to Delicious, are automatically posted to Twitter by an RSS-to-Twitter service named HootSuite.

A few days ago, a person who follows me on Twitter suggested that "sending your delicious links to twitter in a batch is sort of poor form, if you don’t mind me saying so."  After a polite exchange of direct messages, he also offered, "worked out what bothers me about dixon delicious. it comes through in a single burst…. usually three in a row."

To help illustrate how these messages are generated, I created the little diagram below to show how my updates automatically wind up on Twitter.

  1. I use the Delicious Booksmarks Firefox plugin to save links to websites I may want to return to or that I think may be interest to friends and colleagues. 
  2. I use the ScribeFire Firefox to create posts to the Discovering Identity blog.  
  3. ScribeFire uploads my posts to blogs.sun.com
  4. … and posts a link on Delicious using tags I have specified.
  5. Each day at 1:00 am, Delicious automatically creates a post to my blog containing all the links I have uploaded to Delicous in the previous day. This is a composite of all the links I have directly posted to Delicious, plus any links posted to Delicious by ScribeFire.
  6. HootSuite monitors the RSS feeds from my Delicious account
  7. … and the Discovering Identity Blog
  8. … and periodically posts new entries to Twitter

It appears that the HootSuite RSS-to-Twitter mechanism is quite "bursty."  It doesn’t necessarily post the Delicious links immmediately when I post them, but may post a batch of links at once.

So, what do you think?  Is this too automated? Is it in poor taste to provide this method to put content onto Twitter?

I’d appreciate your feedback.


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TweetDeck – Breathing New Life into Twitter for Me

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
8:03 pm

I have had a love/hate relationship with Twitter since I first signed up in May 2007.  I found it at times to be intriguing but worthless, captivating but time consuming, fascinating but maddening.  I jumped around to different Twitter clients, including Twitbin, Twhirl and Flock.  I would completely go offline for awhile and then tweet like mad at other times.

One of my biggest complaints was the inability to follow a few friends or relevant subjects among the masses of tweets being exchanged in Twitterspace.  As the number of fellow Twitters I followed rose, the more difficult it became to keep track of anybody or anything.

Well, I am recently back on the Twitter bandwagon, thanks in a large part to TweetDeck, a Twitter client that allows me to specify a few groups of people to follow and a few searches that I might be interested in at a particular time. For me, it brings order out of chaos and rachets the Twitter experience upward a few notches.

Plus, Iain Dodsworth, the TweetDeck author, uses a really cool feedback forum to gather suggestions from the field.

Thanks Iain!

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