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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Testing Facebook Integration – With Wibiya

Blogging, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, January 8, 2010
7:08 am

I have begun to experiment with methods for integrating this Discovering Identity blog with Facebook and Twitter, using the Wibiya toolbar, which appears at the bottom of the screen.  This is a WordPress plugin, which was easy to configure and install.

Feel free to use the toolbar to become a fan of our Facebook page and join our Facebook community.  You can also use the toolbar to join my Twitter conversation.

Please let me know what you think.

Note: for those who see this on the blogs.sun.com version of the blog, please visit us at DiscoveringIdentity.com to see the Wibiya toolbar.

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Eternal Life with Facebook?

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, January 1, 2010
10:56 am

As I shopped for paint this week while wearing my favorite Despair.com social networking t-shirt, the Home Depot clerk remarked that stuff you post on Facebook would remain there even if you died. “I guess it’s a way for you to still live on after death!” he chuckled.

I hadn’t thought of that before. Another reason we need to be careful what we post!

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